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Brad Sondahl Youtube videos:

Music sorted by genre, other videos  like pottery howto-s and funny ads are listed below this table)

Visit my youtube channel --I've added a lot of newer ones since maintaining this chart...  

(low res) denotes low resolution but saved for modern viewing by virtue of its musicianship)

(lyrics, music, and/or both)
Pentatonic Waltz Dead Flowers FingerstyleTalk about Suffering played by Sondahl and Hawkins (lo res)
A picture from life's other sideKeep your hands off herYou have to walk that lonesome valley
Night Before Christmas songKeep a light in your window tonight (Old Plank Road)Eleanor Rigby Sondahl and HawkinsJesus calls us oer the Tumult
Bethlehem's Journey Alabama Jubilee
Children of the Heavenly Father 
The trouble is...Hard times come again no moreLouise McGhee (low res)Beneath the Cross of Jesus 
The Fugitive's lamentDead Medley (low res)Sine Nomine (For all the Saints) 
Another Rainy Day Fox on the town 
I have decided to follow Jesus
5 and Dime March with 4th of July ParadeHoneybabe I'm bound to ride-Sondahl and HawkinsDiddie Wah Diddie
Felicity on guitar with Idaho nature scenes
Who broke the lock (on the henhouse door)Jack StrawOh Come all Ye Faithful with Kenny Curtis
Cats and Felicity (low res)When I woke up this morning she was gone Sondahl and HawkinsSee that my Grave is Kept CleanGreensleeves
RacetrackKiss me quick (and go away) Sondahl Hawkins and ThomsenI'd rather drink muddy waterI bid you Goodnight

Grandfather's Clock 
My faith looks up to thee (Olivet)
G and C Rag with nature photos
Golden Slippers    Old Plank Road versionDarkness on the Delta-Sondahl and HawkinsI'm so glad (Jesus lifted me)
You can fool yourself (low res)Up on the Blue Ridge MountainsWee Midnight Hour BluesSt. Patrick's Breastplate
My baby loves me
Solid Gone
(Cannonball Blues)
Dem Bones gonna rise again
Classical 3 part (low res)Roving GamblerIf today was not an endless highway
Hymn Medley Shall we  Gather, Like a Shepherd, in my Father's world
Bouncy Echo in D (low res)Barbara AllenI'm Going Away (Utah Phillips)
God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen with Ken Curtis
G and C Rag on resonator guitarThe Frozen LoggerQueen of the RailsSilent Night  
You've got a homeRockabout my Sarah Jane --Old Plank RoadKisses sweeter than wineJoy to the world Version 2   3   4 with Ken Curtis (low res)
G Slide Rag   Bike Slide versionTake me home, Poor Julia--Sondahl and HawkinsAngels we have heard /Good King    Version 2
Angels we have heard on high (Ice Cave)   Ken C
Kiss WaltzGreensleeves   Tell me that it isn't true played by Sondahl and Hawkins  (low res)
The Forgotten WaltzSpanish FlangdangTurn Your money Green played by Sondahl and HawkinsJesus Calls us O'er the Tumult
Hesitation Waltz
Kaleidoscopic version
Jug Band WaltzViola Lee Blues played by Sondahl and HawkinsKaleidoscopic Crosses
with I know that my Redeemer Lives

Swedish RhapsodyI shall be releasedImmortal Invisible 
Send me not away 
Pallet on the floor/satisfied--Sondahl and Hawkins (low res)Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus
All Praise to God on pianoCeltic medley (low res)Ain't but sweet sixteen
Sondahl and Hawkins (low res)
In Christ there is no East or West
Hey BabeMarch of King LaiosBring it on down to My place played by Sondahl and Hawkins (low res)Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring
Things are getting harderPig Ankle Rag
I will arise and go to Jesus (low res)
You Let Me Down (low res)Lyke Wake Dirge (low res)Mississippi John Hurt's Louis Collins performed by Sondahl and Hawkins (low res) Jesus Christ is Risen Today
on folk instruments
Another Rainy DaySam McGee's Franklin Blues

Pachelbel's Canon )
That'll never happen no more (low res)Daisy Bell  (low res)
Daisy Bell multi instrument (low res)
Put Your Sweet Lips (a little closer to the phone)
(low res)
Thine is the Glory
Tours Song (France)Sam McGee Stomp on roundneck resonator
Version 2 on 6 string banjo 
Sondahl and Hawkins play I'm so lonesome I could cry
(low res)
Now the Green blade rises
Nothing seems to happen without youDon't let your deal go down Sondahl and Hawkins low res
Bluegrass version low res
I still Miss Someone Brightest and Best of the Stars of the Morning
Maple Syrup Rag (low res)Roll on buddy played by Sondahl and HawkinsSondahl and Hawkins play Lay Down Sally (low res) Oh Come, Oh Come Emmanuel Advent Hymn
Sondahl's Bird songWay Downtown played by Sondahl and Hawkins (low res)Sondahl and Hawkins play Don't think twice (low res) Go Tell it on the Mountain
G WhizDon't you see that train  (Sondahl, Hawkins, Thomsen)Corinna, Corinna played by Brad Sondahl Picardy (Let all mortal flesh keep silence)
Huckleberry Mountain
Cumberland Blues played by Brad Sondahl (banjo)
on guitar (low res)

Almost a Kottke Sondahl and HawkinsCottoneye Joe variationsJack StrawDown in the Valley to Pray--Sondahl and Hawkins
Sweet Sixteen Blues (Sondahl and Hawkins )
Showing chords
 New Camptown Ladies,Black Muddy River ( Low Res) Were you there when they crucified my Lord ? (Hymn, instrumental)
Love or LuckThe Covered Wagon rolled right along  (Old Plank Road) Ripple Go to Dark Gethsemane (Hymn--instrumental guitar)
Sondahl's Modal March (low res)C-H-I-C-K-E-N played by Brad Sondahl (low res) Oh Sacred Head Now Wounded (hymn, instrumental)
Bim Bom
Blake's You gonna quit me blues (low res)In the Cross of Christ I glory (hymn, instrumental ( low res)
C Doodlin 2 tune writing in progress  low res The Bear went over the mountain played by Brad Sondahl (low res) So Lonesome I could Cry sung by Susan HvistendahlGreat is thy Faithfulness
C Doodlin raw tune  low res   The Ants Go Marching performed by Brad Sondahl (low res) Bye Bye Love sung by Susan Hvistendahl and Brad Sondahl All glory laud and honor (hymn, instrumental)
Rainy Nights version 1
played by Sondahl and Hawkins
Deep River Blues--Sondahl and Hawkins live (low res) Beep Beep sung by Brad Sondahl and Susan Hvistendahl Beneath the cross of Jesus (hymn instrumental)

Windy and warm--instrumental Sondahl and Hawkins
Alas and did my savior bleed (hymn)
A Minor TriumphStreamlined Cannonball --Sondahl and Hawkins live (low res)
Agnus Dei (Lamb of God)
Race Track banjo instrumental (low res)
On resonator guitar
Banks of the Ohio--Sondahl and Hawkins Dupree's Diamond Blues played by Brad SondahlThe strife is oer (hymn, instrumental)
Mountain Flowers song 

Good Christian Friends Rejoice and Sing
How do you like to go up in a swing? poem put to music (low res)Old Plank Road  plays Hold the Woodpile Down
He's got the Whole World in his Hands  (low res)
Tripleplay instrumental tunes (low res)
Brown Eyed Women and Red Grenadine All things Bright and Beautiful (low res) 
Snow music by Brad SondahlLast thing on my Mind  live Sondahl and Hawkins (low res) Over and Over Again live at the SL Library
Zacchaeus was a wee little man (low res)
A minor Improv Deep River Blues live Sondahl and Hawkins (low res) Hello Mary Lou
Sondahl and Hawkins (low res)

This little light of mine (low res)
I wonder when I shall be merry (low res)Ching Chong played by Sondahl and Hawkins Your Cheatin Heart
Swing Low, Sweet Chariot (low res)

Love has no Pride
Rock of my Soul/Jesus is the Rock
G Slide Rag   Duncan and Brady
Michael row the boat ashore (low res)
Dminor Blues Colored Aristocracy (low res) 
Turtle dove done drooped its wings (low res)
Making it up as I go along (low res) Hobo's Lullaby (low res)
Hermas hymn tune (On our way Rejoicing) low res
I'm Going to HeavenSkillet Good and Greasy--Sondahl, Hawkins, and Thomsen
Eventide tune  (Abide with me) low res 
25 Below and getting Colder written and sung by Brad SondahlDown in the Valley (low res)
Ebenezer hymn tune (low res)
Top Time banjo tune written and played by Brad SondahlRed River Valley (low res)
Cwm Rhondda (Guide me Oh Thou Great Jehovah)
Love Lingers On  Lolly Toodum 
Beach Spring Hymn tune (Lord whose love in humble service) low res
The amateur detective (2 minute mystery) Faded Coat of Blue (low res)
Ar Hyd Y Nos Hymn tune: All through the Night (low res)
A minor triumph
Oldtime concert Jan. 2019
with Jonathan Hawkins and Don Thomsen
 (low res)

Sicilian Mariners Tune  (low res)
Moose Lake March
Kiss Me Quick (live) with Don Thomsen
and Jonathan Hawkins  (low res)

There's a Wideness in God's mercy  (low res)
Don't you roll those big
brown eyes

Don't you see that train?(live) with Don Thomsen
and Jonathan Hawkins

On Christ the Solid Rock (low res)
The trouble is...  Live--Sondahl Hawkins Thomsen
The covered wagon rolled right along  (Old Plank Road)

Rock of Ages (Toplady tune) (low res) 
Winter Winds
The Happy Wanderer

Oh Love that will not let me go (low res)
Bethlehem's Journey sung

Instrumental with lyrics
Make me down a Pallet played by Old Plank Road  2021 or 2
Eliz. Cotten's Oh Babe it Aint no lie by Old Plank Road 
Charlie Poole's If I lose played by Old Plank Road
Dave Macon's Hold the Woodpile Down played by Old Plank Road 
James Bland's Golden Slippers played by Old Plank Road 
Blues in a Bottle played by Old Plank Road 

Love Divine All Loves Excelling (Hryfrydol 

TO HERE Land of Rest (Jerusalem my Happy Home)…

It is well with my Soul played by

I know that my Redeemer Lives 

Built on a Rock 

All Hail the Power (tune Coronation) …

Who is this host. arrayed in white? 

Munich (Oh Jesus I have promised…

I  am thine (the tune for Fanny Crosby's hymn)

Hamburg hymn tune (When I survey the Wondrous Cross)…

A stable lamp is lighted

Of the Father's love begotten Hymn tune

O little town of Bethlehem tune on guitar

Jesus our brother kind and good

The hills are bare at Bethlehem Christmas …

The first Noel on acoustic guitar

Come thou long expected Jesus 

Away in a manger (two versions combined…

Virgin Mary had a baby boy performed by …

Soon My Work Will All Be Done

Walk in to Jerusalem just like John

Brahm's symphony no. 1 theme
Finlandia played on 6 string banjo by Brad Sondahl
Angels we have heard/Wenscelaus
With Kenyon Curtiss  (low res):
Silent Night played by Brad Sondahl and Kenyon Curtiss
Oh Come All ye Faithful
Joy to the World
Hark the Herald
Good Christian Friends Rejoice
God Rest Ye Merry
Angels we have heard on high
We Three Kings
Away in a Manger 


Earth Surrender!
Cat helps folding sheets of paper
Robot on the Rampage 8mm home movie from 1971

Introduction to glaze tools
making a teapot
Double condiment demo
 berry bowls on the potter's wheel
Glaze decoration
glazing bigger pots
glazing tips throwing and trimming two butterdishes
throws and adds a coil foot to a bowl

throws and assembles pottery goblets
throws a lotion pump
throws a mug and adds a handle
throws minipots
throws a canister and casserole and lids
throws a pitcher and adds the handle
making small covered jar from one piece of clay
A potter's day 
disk vase
tobikanna or chattering on pottery plates
timelapse glazing

Ads and outakes:
Why acting is not my day job
The Evil Twin
A rocket scientist buys Sondahl Pottery
The Meaning of Life
Sondahl Pottery Sales Crew

snow lowdown
Sondahl Stoneware Pottery
Cheapest Sondahl Pottery
Sondahl Pottery Promo (I'm not the potter)
Pirate Ad
Zombie Apocalpse
Post Apocalypse In a tight spot
Only the best

Kaleidoscopic art slides and music 

Sondahl Sampler slides and music from the webpage

Shall we dance?  Kaleidoscopic music


Red Necked Grebe
Red Necked Grebes and their call
Quail taking a dust bath
Osprey call
Black headed grosbeak singing
Juvenile Red necked Phalaropes
Clark's Nutcrackers
Unusual spider in North Idaho
Hunt Creek Falls
Char Falls


Spirit Lake Idaho 4th of July 2007 pt 1From the parade looking outwards...
Spirit Lake Idaho 4th of July 2007 pt 2
Spirit Lake Idaho 4th of July 2007 pt 3
Spirit Lake Idaho 4th of July 2007 pt 4
Spirit Lake Idaho 4th of July 2007 pt 5
Spirit Lake Idaho 4th of July 2007 pt 6
Big Back In 2007Lawn Mower pageant in Spirit Lake
5 and Dime March with Idaho scenery
Birrion Sondahl ski video
Kittens playing with a bag With "All Praise to God" music

Sampler promoting 2008 festival
Shemya and Annette Islands 8mm movie from 1943 by J.K. Hvistendahl
