Brad's Blog
photo by Forrest Stonedahl 2021
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May 1, 2022
I've been adding videos from my Lenten/Easter CD, almost complete: Beneath the Cross
May 12
Spring progresses, but frosts are still frequent, and highs in the 50's predominate.
Here's dwarf waterleaf blooming in Farragut Park last week...
Although cumulus clouds often look like cotton candy, the tops are also often awesome...
This is a sundog photographed near sunset, unusual for this time of year...
May 28
I've been gone to see my family in Minnesota, so here's some of the evidence:
The hills in Montana were sometimes covered in yellow from balsam root, the hardy sunflower like plant...
In Northfield there were a lot of redstarts in the woods near the river...
This house finch appears to appreciate the spring flowers...
We came to see Marion, 99 years, and looking good, but having to move to memory care from her assisted living....
also came to see a more recent Northfield resident, Bud Claeson, who's
shown here trying my resonator guitar. Bud played in the old time
band Uncle Willie and the Brandysnifters, and allowed me to photograph
the box shown full of memorabilia from their career. I plan to
make a webpage in their honor with links to music and including some
history and photos...
This was early morning or evening in the Midwest somewhere...
Here's a prairie dog from Teddy Roosevelt National Park badlands, whence come all these:
Bison crossing the Little Missouri River...
Lark sparrow
On to White Sulphur Springs Montana, for a visit to a motel hot springs.
At the edge of town these scruffy blacktail deer were foraging...
The next day we drove up between the Mission and Swan mountain ranges. I think this is part of the Swan Range...
stopped at Kootenai Falls at the edge of Montana and I got the best
photo of an aptly named violet green backed swallow I've taken...
here's the falls, hard to capture as it's wide rather than tall.
I'll be posting some videos of the trip when time permits...
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