Brad's Blog
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May 1
New geese arrival:
May 4
White crowned sparrow on our porch today
Cherry blossom time in our backyard!
Spotted towhee clicking territory song...
May 9
a Columbia ground squirrel from Priest Lake today... One one
level it's cute--looking at its talons makes it appear sinister...
May 13
saw this bee mimic yesterday--rapid flapping wings but no buzz,
colorful inner wings (the outer are a blur). I think it's a hawk
moth... Here's a link to the short video I took...
We hiked up a small mountain at Farragut Park for Ascension Day today, and the penstemon and other flowers were great!
This is a closeup of the penstemon...
May 16
We seem to have a pair of violet green swallows nesting near our yard...
May 17
On our trip up to Priest Lake today, we saw a strung out band of elk--here's a young bull with antler buds:
We see elk as infrequently as moose (once or twice a year for both) as compared to deer which we seek weekly.
And here's one from the other end of animal size:
was less than two inches long. We saw it on the path, and shortly
after this photo it went into a depression and looked just like a bit
of moss... A quick image search turned up this link for Sierran Chorus Frog I
found it amusing that their call, which is loud for their stature, is
used in movies SFX for any time a frog call is desired (regardless of
species, the commenter pointed out truculently). Anyway, it's the
first time I've seen one in real life, in spite of searching for them
in bushes near my house at night sometimes....
May 28
son and I planted potatoes today, and although we got over an inch of
rain in the last week, the soil was still pretty dry. Still, an
inch of rain extended spring for us.
Here's a blackheaded grosbeak that was singing the other day:
May 31
been a rollercoaster month, with record dry, followed by a week of cool
and inch of rain, with frost 4 days ago and record heat predicted in
two days.
So here's a flock of cowbirds, the rascals that lay their eggs in other bird's nests..
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