Books read and other media of note |
by Eoin Colfer. An adult novel from a noted juvenile author, a
follow up to Plugged. He really brings the characters to life, in
an Angela's Ashes sort of way... Savage Run by C.J. Box. Box manages to bring a journalist's voice to his stories, allowing the reader to form his own opinions as to good and evil. This was his second novel and showed the careful craftsmanship that has been his hallmark. I read this 6 years ago and although a few points I remembered, I was able to enjoy it anew, which may be a commentary on my dotage. Lunatics by Dave Barry and Alan Zweibel. The surreality of this epic frenemy adventure came home as I first see Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton on one page, and later when Donald Trump reappears in a presidential context towards the end. Once before I quit reading this, thinking, I don't want to know about the neighborhood tiff of two guys in New Jersey. By the end it had both cosmic and comic significance... The Shepherd, the Angel, and Walter the Christmas Miracle Dog. I'm pretty sure this wasn't a hit, as the sophomoric standards of Dave Barry's humor don't evoke the tissue wringing of your average Christmas feel good book, but being fond of dogs and Dave Barry, I read it, and it was enjoyable in that context. |