Brad's Blog
photo by Forrest Stonedahl 2021
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August 6, 2022
is a view of placid Brickle Creek, Spirit Lake's major tributary,
from a canoe trip last week... The creek was dredged straight to
accommodate logs floating down from the log flume in the early 1900's.
Still pretty straight, although conservation efforts to put a
little wiggle in it are under way...
on a 25 mile Ebike ride along the logging roads above Spirit Lake, I
saw this nice clump of golden rod, which is less common in our area
than in S. Dakota when I was young. I also remember Goldenrod tablets
in elementary school, used for practicing penmanship... I did a
Google image search for the tablet, but didn't see the design I
remembered, orange and black... It also reminded me of Big Chief
Tablets, also in orange and black. The search also yielded info
that it's a good medicinal plant...
This is another yellow swallowtail, on a fireweed blossom...
Unknown butterfly on our grape leaf...
Aug. 11
had a tiny storm come through today, significant because there have
only been unmeasurable rains for months, and this was another.
Before it the sky looked awesome, with clouds like this, besides some thunderheads:
Aug. 14
Bluewaters bluegrass festival restarted after a two year hiatus, to
great crowds. This time I was there as president of the bluegrass
association, so I sat to the side, which is why some of the videos I
shot are an unusual angle...
The still photos are at:
Videos from Tribute to John Hartford: Eli West and friends play In Tall Buildings
Wish we had our time again (ensemble)
Aug. 31
Busy month but no trips in the last part to the backwoods/rivers...
But here's a sunflower blooming in our garden...
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